15. "Kegs and Eggs," SUNY Albany
<strong>Your Take:</strong> None <strong>Our Take:</strong> SUNY Albany kicks off our list with a bang -- by which we mean a no-holds-barred riot. In 2011, Albany paid host to its annual "Kegs and Eggs" celebration. This particular year, <a href="http://gothamist.com/2012/03/15/think_nyu_kids_are_rowdy_heres_how.php" target="_blank">things got nasty</a>. <a href="http://blog.timesunion.com/crime/16-more-kegs-and-eggs-videos/6996/" target="_blank">Cars were destroyed</a>. Appliances were thrown out of second-floor windows. And, at the end of the day, sanitation workers carried off 16 tons of debris. Before the infamous incident, Albany was known for a fun, relatively non-controversial St. Patrick's Day party. Now, it's <a href="http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Big-steps-taken-to-crack-kegs-and-eggs-3408069.php" target="_blank">controversial enough to have the cops on high alert.</a> So it must be a big deal at the school, yes? Yes. No. 15 worthy. (Sidenote: <a href="http://gothamist.com/2012/03/15/think_nyu_kids_are_rowdy_heres_how.php" target="_blank">That 2011 Gothamist post</a> also contains an amazing moment of Internet foreshadowing. Its last paragraph reads: "SUNY Albany administrators also cancelled the annual 'Fountain Day celebration,' outraging many students who objected to the collective punishment. According to the Times Union, 'a 41-year-old student chained himself to the fountain.' That's correct, a 41-year-old student chained himself to a fountain in Albany to protest a party being canceled." That student? <a href="http://www.brobible.com/tags/tag/shoenice" target="_blank">SHOENICE HIMSELF.</a> Seriously! Shoenice chained himself to a fountain to protest a party being canceled. This is like finding an album Elvis recorded when he was 16.)
14. St. Patrick's Day, University of Delaware
<strong>Your Take:</strong> None. <strong>Our Take:</strong> Delaware is widely known for packing its city bars -- Kildare's especially -- and off-campus houses to capacity each St. Paddy's Day. Last year, <a href="http://www.newarkpostonline.com/news/article_26f8ca06-8020-11e1-97c9-001a4bcf887a.html" target="_blank">neighbors complained of the excessive noise</a> and public intoxication at 10 a.m., and you look for that kind of record on lists like this. Plus, look at that crowd!
13. St. Patrick's Day Parade, Boston Schools
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "Most people in Boston go to the parade in Southie, get hammered, and try to act like Mark Wahlberg." -- Dan, Boston College <strong>Our Take:</strong> There are no large, school-specific St. Patrick's Day celebrations in Boston (Massachusetts' turn is coming a little bit later), but we're dealing here with a city that boasts the most colleges per capita, as well as one of the country's largest Irish populations. It's a St. Paddy's tinderbox. A very public good time, in fact, has definitely been had by college kids over the last few years, so good that <a href="http://www.boston.com/yourtown/news/south_boston/2011/03/southie_prepares_for_influx_of.html" target="_blank">state representatives are now begging kids not to turn South Boston into Mardi Gras.</a> "Thousands of visitors join us each year for this wonderful tradition, and we welcome them," state Rep. Nick Collins said in letters to the presidents of Northeastern, Emerson, Boston College, Harvard, Wentworth, UMass Boston, Boston University and Suffolk. "We do not, however, welcome the Mardi Gras-like atmosphere that has accompanied them in recent years." We'll see how that works out.
12. St. Patrick's Day Week, Missouri University of Science and Technology
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "Ten-day long celebration. Two days off school. Used to hold Guinness world record for most alcohol consumed in a three-day weekend before GBWR stopped keeping track of alcohol-related records. Ten straight days of getting wasted and partying." -- Casey, Missouri S&T <strong>Our Take:</strong> We'd be lying if we said we knew a ton about the Missouri University of Science and Technology before looking into their St. Patrick's Day Party. But damnit if the Miners don't seem to have a quality March 17. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missouri_University_of_Science_and_Technology#Student_life" target="_blank">According to the school's Wikipedia page</a>, the event is the "predominant cultural event of the year": an occasion featuring mass murder of rubber snakes, two days off school and much green beer consumption. And, according to reader Casey, the party did once hold the Guinness World Record for most alcohol consumed during a three-day period. This fact, unfortunately, is more unverifiable than your typical 2005 Wikipedia entry.
11. St. Patrick's Day, University of Colorado
<strong>Your Take:</strong> [Four submission forms left blank with "CU-BOULDER!!!" written at the top.] <strong>Our Take:</strong> Tales of incredible excess come to us second-hand from the High State -- tales of massive, inhuman quantities of green beer consumed, tales of bros peeing green-colored urine on March 18, and, of course, tales of enormous, non-sanctioned apartment parties. One apartment complex was the scene of <a href="http://www.brobible.com/college/article/st-patricks-day-party-university-of-colorado" target="_blank">a truly legendary party during last year?s holiday.</a> As a tipster at the time said, "Some kid was actually at the party playing the bagpipes. Music was blasting, people were going nuts, spilling beer everywhere ... All students also got an email on St. Patrick's day titled 'Tonight,' saying this: 'This St. Patrick's Day: Root for the Buffs. Party safely. Look out for each other. Get home alive and well. Brought to you by the Dean of Students and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.'"
10. Parade Day, Binghamton University
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "Our party is extra special because almost all of campus gets f***ed up starting at about 8 a.m. We then go downtown already trashed and start the pre-game parties for the big parade. By the time the parade comes, we're all feeling saucy and ready to party our asses off some more." -- Michael, Binghamton "As people pack in by the hundreds, the destruction begins. TVs, printers and kegs are tossed out windows liberally. Pianos are smashed, and fireworks are lit off. When the police finally do show up, it's straight to the bars at State Street, where you remember you were there but don't actually remember being there." -- Kevin, Binghamton <strong>Our Take:</strong> Parade Day falls on the first Saturday of March, and is notable for featuring a strange scene: Thousands of people walking around off-campus with Irish coffees and brews in hand, at 8 a.m. By the end of the day, some reports say that <a href="http://www.bupipedream.com/news/8382/st-patricks-day-early-binghamton/" target="_blank">50,000 students and locals are packed into a party on State Street.</a> (Also, we'd be remiss to omit that multiple tipsters emailed to say that the rugby team traditionally deserves special commendation for throwing an annual 10-keg party. They're just making up for ruining a PERFECTLY GOOD football.)
9. "Blarney Blowout," UMass Amherst
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "Blarney Blowout can be split into two parts. People hit the bars in the morning. Then from noon to 5 p.m. thousands of kids descend upon the townhouse courtyard for an epic rage. This year the state police along with riot personnel had to break it up. It is an all-around awesome time. We also have a dude playing f***ing bagpipes. Irish as f***.? -- David, UMass "It's basically like the Tour De France for your liver." -- Brett, UMass <strong>Our Take:</strong> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ewxCyTtAgIw" target="_blank">This video is like a Dropkick Murphys song come to life.</a> And while, yeah, there are many, many dudes we see in the frame, keep this in mind: Sometimes you've got to just break some stuff sans chicks, you know? Get atavistic with it.
8. Scranton Parade Day, University of Scranton
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "Car bombs are flowing at 7 am. The entire city is completely smashed by noon." -- Brendan, Scranton "Even though we don't even go to the parade, we ordered about 145 kegs for the best house parties of the year." -- Danny, Scranton <strong>Our Take:</strong> Scranton is allegedly home to the second-largest St. Patrick's day parade in the country. (The largest is New York's.) Scranton is home to only 75,000 people. (New York is home to over 8 million.) You can see where this is going: The town Michael Scott made famous gets pretty, pretty excited for this holiday. Students at the university, along with thousands of friends and strangers from out of town, traditionally start the day with some good ol' fashioned car bombs. And, as the day progresses, they'll continue drinking beer and liquor, while maybe catching a bit of the parade if they're lucky. If they're not? It's house party heaven.
7. "State Patty?s Day," Penn State
<strong>Your Take:</strong> None. <strong>Our Take:</strong> State Patty?s Day (actually held the last Saturday of February) is a few spots lower than it would be in a normal year. At its peak, the party was a premier college event, an occasion for State's pubs and bars to be completely overrun with raconteurs and drunkards. Then, the ban hammer came down. All bars were banned from serving alcohol on Feb. 23. Actually ... they weren?t banned <a href="http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/02/state_pattys_day_state_college.html" target="_blank">so much as bribed to the tune of $5,000 an establishment.</a> And, for 2013 at least, the massive celebration was relegated to just a few private apartment parties. But one BroBible writer remembers how great it once was, and how great it could be again. <a href="https://twitter.com/jtrain56" target="_blank">Alum Jared Freid:</a> "Why is State Patty's Day the best? Simply, because of how it started.<a href="http://www.brobible.com/college/article/you-cant-stop-college-drinking" target="_blank"> I mentioned this in a column a few weeks back</a>, but State Patty's Day was created out of a sheer will to drink. The administration tried to pull a fast one on the student body by planning Spring Break during St. Patrick's Day so the student body collectively shook their finger side to side, Dikembe Mutombo-style, and created another day to drink for no reason. I'm sure every school has an awesome St. Paddy's Day celebration. I'm sure they are just as crazy as Penn State's. But how hard did they work to make that happen? Switching St. Paddy's Day is like switching the rotation of the Earth. There's a lot of momentum to push against.? Well, consider the Penn State student body moved.
6. "Fake Patty's Day," Kansas State
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "During Fake Patty's, Aggieville, the local bar district at K-State, is blocked off because of how many people are partying. People come from all over the country to celebrate Fake Patty's. I personally have met people from as far away as Alaska who came just for Fake Patty's. It is such a big party that other universities sometimes send volunteer teams to help clean up after. The city of Manhattan has to bring in cops from around the state to help." -- Tanner, Kansas State <strong>Our Take:</strong> A celebration that traditionally takes place the Saturday before Saint Patrick's Day, "Fake Patty's Day" begins at 6 a.m., attracts a <em>wide</em> swath of people across the country, and is known as the biggest day-drinking event of the year in Manhattan, Kan. One news report from March 9, <a href="http://www.kstatecollegian.com/2013/03/12/fake-pattys-day-arrests-up-34-percent/" target="_blank">which features one of the funniest pictures of a guy dancing in front of cops that you'll ever see</a>, said that, while arrests were unfortunately up 34 percent, thousands of people descended upon Aggieville for the revelry. For that reason alone, we'd be willing to risk spending the night in a Manhattan jail.
5. St. Pat's Five Points, Columbia, S.C.
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "They literally close off the whole Five Points, the downtown area, from any cars. Then they have like four, five concerts going on while everyone proceeds to get absolutely hammered. And that's just the day, at night the bars are absolutely packed." -- Andrew, South Carolina "No open container laws. This is the one day [of] the entire year where cops aren't arresting the college kids for drinking. Beer vendors are everywhere, and if the $5 Green Bud Light tall boy is too much, go into any of the 21+ bars where they are selling cheap drinks all day. If the DT area gets a little too hectic for you, just walk 10 steps to the neighboring houses because every one of them is having a party. It is truly one of the best weekend[s] to visit the city of Dreams -- Columbia, S.C." -- Matt, South Carolina <strong>Our Take:</strong> While it's more of a city-wide party than just a college party... ... Ah, who are we kidding. The Gamecocks are definitely throwing down harder than anyone else in downtown Columbia.
4. "Unofficial," University of Illinois
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "It has been said that more drinking occurs on Unofficial at U of I than during many other school's entire year. People go to class and take quizzes wasted; campus police guard the large lecture halls; city police guard the residence halls and best of all, the drinking goes on ALL DAY LONG. God bless America." -- Rob, Illinois <strong>Our Take:</strong> "<a href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=unofficial" target="_blank">Unofficial</a>" is commonly used to describe Illinois' Friday party prior to St. Patrick's Day (this year it took place on March 1). Bars open at 8 a.m. (natch). Kegs stay on front lawns all day long, and many, many Big Ten kids flood off buses and onto campus to help celebrate. Adding to the charm of the festivities: Champaign's notoriously incredible bars.
3. Green Beer Day, Miami (of Ohio)
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "We start drinking at 2 a.m. and continue throughout the day and into the night. Thousands of students attend class absolutely hammered and with lips greener than a leprechaun's d***." -- Garrett, Miami, Ohio "Craziest day of the year, starts at 3 a.m. and doesn't end until 4 a.m. the next day. Absolutely dope parties that doesn't [sic] stop all day." -- Jeremy, Miami, Ohio <strong>Our Take:</strong> Miami boasts bars that open the earliest of any on our list -- 5 a.m. -- as well as one of the college party scene's most admirably long-standing traditions. Green Beer Day began in 1952, and since the decline of modesty and temperance, it's since become a huge, day-long party held the Thursday before Spring Break, boasting thousands of kids attending classes intoxicated, 18 to 20 hours of continuous drinking and countless house parties. For this reason, Miami alums leave their school with a liver permanently dyed green.
2. St. Patrick's Day, West Virginia University
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "An unreal amount of house parties, huge frat parties, hot girls everywhere, #1 beer drinking school, #1 PARTY SCHOOL 2013 ... Need I say more?" --John, West Virginia <strong>Our Take:</strong> Did you watch that "I'm Shmacked" video? What more can we say?
1. St. Patrick's Day, University of Dayton
<strong>Your Take:</strong> "The University of Dayton might not sound like much. We are a small ... Catholic school of around 8,000 undergrads. However, on that magical day we all call St. Patrick's, our school triples in size, and the student neighborhood we all call 'the ghetto' floods with a sea of green. It is truly a sight to be seen." -- Wilson, Dayton, Ohio "Last year, the university was so terrified of what may potentially happen over St. Paddy's Day weekend, that the administration bought accidental death insurance for the weekend." -- Joseph, Dayton, Ohio "Classes or not, it is guaranteed that the music starts blaring at 4 a.m. with 40's in hand prepping for Tim's to open at 5 a.m. After everyone is nice and sauced up, Lowes St. in THE GHETTO starts to fill with completely intoxicated patrons dressed in nothing but green. Thousands of your closest friends line the entire street to form the greatest party any school has ever seen. The sea of green, with beer and Jameson being passed around like it's some sort of communal stash, parties to the beat of some drunkass bagpiper stumbling the streets in search of liquid gold for payment. UD cops have been seen shotgunning alongside students, just for the hell of it." -- Branden, Dayton, Ohio "David Letterman said there are 4 places in the world to be for St. Paddy's day... Dublin, Ireland; New York, N.Y.; Chicago, Ill.; and Dayton, Ohio. The thing that makes UD so special for St. Paddy's isn't one specific party ... It's the WHOLE university and most of Southern Ohio, that will migrate to UD's student neighborhood aka "the ghetto." A magical one big neighborhood and no parents are home. A school with roughly 8,000 students living on campus will grow to 18,000 every St. Patrick's day. All day the streets are filled with drinkers in green. Every house is open to anyone. Honestly, just follow the music and walk into a house and you'll be thrown a fresh beer, no questions asked. The administration sends out an email a couple weeks in advance to all students' parents urging them to speak with their little Dayton Fliers about not going too hard that day." -- CJ, Dayton <strong>Our Take:</strong> This party received far more submissions than any other on the list. It's a party for college kids and their friends at a small, close-knit school where everyone more or less knows each other. And, most importantly, it isn't exclusive. Dayton's St. Patrick's Day is a chance for everyone to get drunk with each other at 4 a.m. and on: the frat kids, the freshman, the campus police (if Branden's testimony is to be believed). The small school's party is comparable to any of the big state schools', which is pretty amazing for a Catholic university of 8,000. For those reasons, Dayton's St. Patrick's Day takes the No. 1 spot on our list.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/18/university-of-dayton-st-patricks-day-riot_n_2900920.html
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