Monday, April 22, 2013

Master the Art of French Cooking with Julia Child - AppMyWorld ...

Posted by Dan Thomas

Dan Thomas

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on Monday, April 22 2013

Julia Child is a legend, there is no denying this. She really was the first celebrity chef beginning with her 1963 show The French Chef. My memories of her come from sitting in front of a TV and watching her PBS show with my mom while listening to that amazing voice. She was known for bringing French cuisine to the U.S. and now her first and probably most well known book is an iPad app called Mastering the Art of French Cooking: Selected Recipes. So first off, from the title you can tell it's not the entire book but rather a smattering of her most popular recipes - 32 to be exact. So what makes this iPad app so good? Well, besides Julia Child of course, it has a 95 AppScore and was one of Apple's Best iOS Apps of 2012 picks. Those are some pretty good accolades in my mind. The app seems to be chock-full of extra content too including recipes, photos, ingredient buying tips, planning tips and (what I think is the coolest) actual video clips from Julia's TV series. Here's my thought, if you're looking for a cooking app, going with the queen of cooking is a great place to start. Like I said earlier, it's not the most extensive cookbook app out there but certainly Julia Child makes it worth a look and all indications are that it sets the quality bar high. Oh, and I forgot to mention, one of the cool facts about Julia Child is she worked in the U.S. spy services during World War II. Pretty interesting, definitely check out what else Wikipedia has to say about her. So what do you think of this iPad app? Also, any memories of Julia from your childhood? Let us know below.

AppScore rankings are based on aggregating professional review scores from around the web. Click on an app's name to see all the professional reviews.

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Notes: AppScores, prices, ranking, and availability are accurate as of 4/21/13.


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